As we never wanted to hang out our dirty washing in public, or burden you with our personal woes, we have chosen, until now, to stay silent on the current happenings within The Angels.
But in response to a lot of misconception out there, we think it's timely that we now tell our side of the story.
Here are the facts:
In August of last year, Doc informed us that he wanted to go solo, and would not be available for Angels gigs or recording until further notice.
We were a bit taken aback, and disappointed, because we had some great gigs coming up and some great events planned, including some shows with an orchestra and new recordings.
We tried to persuade Doc to work his solo thing around The Angels plans, like the rest of us do, but with no success.
For the first 6 months of this year we stared at the wall, scratched our heads, and wondered what the hell we were going to do about continuing The Angels, given Doc’s unavailability.
Then co-incidentally, and serendipitously for us, Dave Gleeson appeared. Already a huge Angels fan, he needed a band, we needed a singer, and within a few weeks of a jam session with Dave, we had recorded 5 new tracks, delivered 3 great live shows and there was a feeling of hey, maybe there's a future here.
The alternative was to sit on our bums doing nothing while we waited for Doc to become available again - if he ever would.
So now, dear fans, it's important for you all to understand,
1. We did not engineer or want this situation, it was brought about solely by Doc's declaration that he wanted to go solo.
2. At no stage did we ever try and lever Doc and Buzz out of the band - it was their choice to refuse to be a part of present and future plans.
3. We have taken great pains to make it clear who’s in the band for the planned upcoming tour. All the promotional guff clearly states the current Angels line-up is Brewster/Gleeson/Brewster/Bailey.
4. Buzz and Doc’s claim that they were never told about the tour plans is wrong. They were advised, in writing, in a letter to their representative some weeks before the tour was announced, but we never heard back from them.
In the end, all we wanted to do was keep playing and creating music under the name The Angels - and given the cards we’ve been dealt, we feel we have that right, and indeed, that obligation to you, the fans that have stuck with us for so long.
Hope that clears it up a bit for everyone…
Finally, we wish Doc and Buzz well in their chosen endeavours, we’d hope they wish the same for us.
…and we hope to see you all soon on tour J.
Chris, Rick and John from The Angels.